Monday, November 22, 2010
Super shopper

Monday, November 8, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Happy Halloween!
Is it a Dragon? Is it a Dinosaur? Is it Barney? Who knows! Who cares?! It's adorable! Stuey had a blast yesterday going to Daddy's office and Trick-or-Treating. His favoite "treats" were a toothbrush and a toy car! Oh, and the Crunch bar he chewed through the wrapper to get to! Today we were going to go to Greenwood Ave up the street to Trick-or-Treat at the businesses but alas, in true Seattle form it is raining so instead we're staying home to carve pumpkins!
Craft time and Bath time
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Fall is here!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Goats and Boats and Blueberries
This summer was also filled with exciting adventures outside of the city! We took a day trip to go blueberry picking, which Stuey loved (the eating part, that is, the picking part we'll work on for next year). We also took a ferry to Whidbey Island and spent a weekend on "island time," wandering around the little town of Langley (Stuey made plenty of friends by flashing his smile at everyone we passed), walking in the woods, hiking down a very steep path to the beach (Ben got the ultimate workout with Stuey on his shoulders!) and most importantly, feeding some goats! By the way, did you know goats love oats?
Monday, August 2, 2010
Cool Rider
I'm ONE!
Well, the little man is 1 year old. Hard to believe! We had a wonderful backyard BBQ Birthday party and as you can see, Stuey enjoyed himself thoroughly. He had lots of friends over and they went swimming in the backyard baby pool. He enjoyed some cake too, baked by Auntie Sarah (see top picture for the cake-face)!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
In honor of Stuey's first birthday, his Auntie Sarah taught him to say "Happy!" I think their next lesson will be on how to say "birthday!" Stuey has also taken some huge steps (not literally...yet) in his level of comprehension. Yesterday I asked him where his ball was and he went and found it. Then I asked him to bring it to me and he very happily did! Imagine what this means for Ben and I...we never have to get up off the couch again! But really, he is an absolute blast these days, chatting away and getting into everything!!!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
singin' and belly dancin'...
...or dancing on your belly, I should say. This video is a treat because not only do you get to see Stuey singing along to a bluegrass song, you get to see Ben playing guitar and singing too! This is becoming almost a daily ritual at our house. It is so sweet to see Stuey watching his Daddy singing and playing and he always adds his own soundtrack too, of course.
Also, Stuey made his first phonecall the other day! Dad left the room for a minute and Stuey got ahold of the Blackberry and called his Mommy! Awww...he missed me so much he just had to call ; )
Flashin' that Svobodny smile!

oral hygiene
Thursday, April 1, 2010
On the Move (no foolin')!
Put up the baby gates and childproof the cupboards...we have a crawler! This April Fool's Day Stuey took his first crawls. His daily workouts of "sit-ups" and "push-ups" have finally paid off! I almost cried, I was so proud of him. Watch out world, here he comes!
we got a tooth!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
7 month pictures
Well, it's official. Stuey has an opinion! He has recently been stating his preferences for toys (usually he wants that piece of paper you're trying to read), when and how he wants to be held, where and with what he would like to play...This is the first we've seen of this, actually crying when he doesn't get what he wants. Oh boy, we're in for some fun! We have a boywho knows what he wants and he won't settle for anything less!
By the way, doesn't he look mischievious is this picture?!