Stuey counted to 8 this morning! Big deal. or Big BOY as he would say. He's also been working on his ABC's, demonstrated by the video. I especially like the end of the ABC's song, where the tune is right but the words become nearly impossible to understand and it ineveitably loops back into ABC again. It's fun to watch what he takes interest in. Drumming is a favorite passtime, as is anything related to music (dancing, singning). Balls are still his life though. Today we forgot to bring a ball to the park and ended up with 2 within 10 minutes of being there--stolen from friends, of course! I will say, he's exceptionally good at kicking the ball (especially into the street for Mommy and Daddy to chase after). OK, I'm goating and possibly have some unrealistic expectations of his future as a professional soccer player, but really, those dribbling skills are all his own doing!